The project consists of two searchable databases:
1) Annotated Bibliography of works, documents, and media, which utilise forms of Labanotation or Laban analyses such as developed in the work of Rudolf Laban and his colleagues and students. | 2) Organisations and Practitioners who utilise any form of Labanotation or Laban analyses in their work or practice. |
The are obvious similarities between the two groups of keywords, though in this stage of development the sets of keywords are kept distinct.
To avoid confusion between databases, keywords to the Bibliography database are termed key concepts while keywords to the Practitioner database are termed key practices.
Review definitions of keywords and concepts:
1) Annotated Bibliography | 2) Organisation / Practitioners |
All 'Key Concepts' in Bibliography database |
All 'Key Practices' in Practitioner database
Or review individual areas of keywords: | Or review individual areas of keywords: |