Laban Analysis Database

Laban Annotated Bibliography
Keywords All Keywords

Currently Entries

All Keywords:

Keyword: All Keywords


Keywords are not pre-determined, but allowed to emerge in an ongoing open inquiry.

Keywords can be applied to entries freely. These may gradually differentiate into levels according to their frequencies.

Larger categories or general concepts will be evident in keywords which appear frequently, used widely in many entries of the data base. For example it might be expected that keywords such as space and effort would appear quite frequently.

Other suggested keywords might be included in the database but after considerable time are never cited more than once or twice, thus suggesting their grouping into highly specialised categories.

As the database continues to increase in size ( Currently Entries ) and each entry becomes more fully keyworded, then categories and dispersion of keywords may become self-evident.

In a first attempt to decipher major groups of keywords, the large list of:
      All Keywords on this page
is divided into:
             -- Analysis Methods
             -- Notations, Motifs, etc.
             -- Application Areas
             -- Historical Works
In addition to these is included:
             -- Kind of Work

Each of these groups of keywords can be searched and considered separately.