Laban Movement Analysis & Labanotation Database
Accessing the Databases

The project consists of two searchable databases:
1) Annotated Bibliography of works, documents, and media, which utilise forms of Labanotation or Laban analyses such as developed in the work of Rudolf Laban and his colleagues and students. 2) Organisations and Practitioners who utilise any form of Labanotation or Laban analyses in their work or practice.

Search the databases in three levels of specificity:
1) Annotated Bibliography 2) Organisation / Practitioners
Quick Search (Home page) Quick Search (Home page)
Basic Keyword Search Basic Keyword Search
Advanced Search Advanced Search

Browse the databases by several topics:
1) Annotated Bibliography 2) Organisation / Practitioners
Authors including editors, notators, annotators, choreographers, etc. Names of organisations, associations, individual practitioners, etc.
Titles of Periodicals Locations, city, country
Date of publication or presentation Date, last updated
Kind, Format of work (book, PDF file, DVD...) Index categories for characterising varieties of practices

Browse the databases by keywords in several areas or topics:
1) Annotated Bibliography 2) Organisation / Practitioners
All Key Concepts (bibliographic keywords) in a single list, or browse particular areas of keywords: All Key Practices (practitioner keywords) in a single list, or browse particular areas of keywords:
  • Laban Analysis approaches including
  • Labanotation, Kinetography, Motif, etc.
  • Laban Methods in practical analysis and notations
  • Areas or disciplines of study
  • Applications in fields of practice
  • Historical works, topics, biographies, recollections, histories
  • Offerings, workshops, notation, movement profiling, choreography, etc.
  • Review definitions of keywords and concepts:
    1) Annotated Bibliography 2) Organisation / Practitioners
    All 'Key Concepts' in Bibliography database All 'Key Practices' in Practitioner database
    Or review individual areas of keywords: Or review individual areas of keywords:
  •  Laban Analysis approaches
  •  Labanotations, Kinetography, Motifs,...
  •  Application Areas
  •  Historical Works
  •  Laban Methods in practice
  •  Applications in fields of practice
  •  Offerings, courses degrees, etc.
  •  Category of Organisation | Practitioner
  • Send new or updated entries for the databases:
    1) Send an entry for the annotated bibliography database 2) Send an entry for the organisation & practitioner database

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    Database search in a vertical Frame Instructions and HTML for vertical frame
    Database search in a 3-part Frame Instructions and HTML for 3-part frame