Effort Dynamics
Effort Elements, Factors, States, & Drives (Summary 2004, J.S. Longstaff) |
Effort Graph, Fighting & Indulging polarities. | ||
The effort graph is taken apart and used in pieces to represent the various elements, factors, states, & drives. |
The center part of the effort graph is the 'action stroke', indicating any unspecified effort elements. factors, states, & drives. | Distinction of "indulging" effort elements (light, free, sustained, flexible) versus "fighting" effort elements (strong, bound, quick, direct). |
Effort Factors; Space (focus), Weight (pressure), Time, Flow (Descriptions are generally derived from the Jungian framework and the decision making process) |
Effort Factor Space; paying attention, mental activities, thinking, cognition |
Effort Factor Weight; intention, will power, sensation, a gut feeling |
Effort Factor Time; decisiveness, intuition, timing |
Effort Factor Flow; precision, emotional feeling, personal relationships |
Variations of weight effort (Hackney, 1998, p. 220). | |
Passive Weight, limp, heavy |
Weight Sensing |
EFFORT DRIVES (Combinations of 3 Effort Factors creates an Effort Drive, with higher intensity and particular characteristics. Action Drive is designed as the foundation, with Spell Drive, Passion Drive, and Vision Drive considered to be transformations due to influences of Flow. |
Action Drive (weight-space-time) Flowless, not-emotional, practical actions |
Transformation Drives; |
Spell Drive (flow-space-weight) Timeless, trance-like, hypnotic, spellbound, standing outside of time |
Passion Drive |
Vision Drive |
EFFORT STATES (inner attitudes): |
Awake State: Space & Time Thinking & intuition in the absence of emotion & bodily sensation Wakeful quality is the opposite of dreaming quality |
Dream State: Weight & Flow Emotional feeling & bodily sensations in the absence of thinking & intuition Dreaming quality is the opposite of wakeful quality |
Near State (rhythm state): Weight & Time |
Remote State: Space & Flow Emotional feeling & mental thought, excluding intuition & bodily sensation Remote, distant quality is the opposite of the near physically present quality |
Stable State: Weight & Space |
Mobile State: Flow & Time Emotional feeling intuition in the absence of mental thought and body sensing Mobile, ever-changing creative quality is opposite the stable physical quality |